June Sekiguchi featured on the Future Ancient’s Community Voices Series

June Sekiguchi shares words of encouragement and hope for getting through this historic moment on the Community Voices Series, a public art project hosted by the Future Ancient in collaboration with the Seattle Art Museum and Seattle Office of Arts. This series showcases local API artists’ and cultural workers’ perspectives on this time of unprecedented…

Winged Mandala by June Sekiguchi

Winged Mandala (2012) 46” x 46” Enamel on scroll cut wood $1200 It is a long tradition in Japan to identify clans by their family crests (mon in Japanese).  Sekiguchi’s family crest is crossed hawk feathers.  She has taken the feather, expanded the representation to the whole wing, and manipulated their configuration into a radiating…

June Sekiguchi, Exploring Interconnectivity in City Arts Magazine

June Sekiguchi, Exploring Interconnectivity Friday, January 22, 2016 | by Amanda Manitach and Miguel Edwards June Sekiguchi makes modular, interlocking sculptures that transform with each consecutive installation. Inspired by Islamic, Laotian and Moroccan design, most of her heavily-patterned pieces are made of quarter-inch MDF (medium-density fiberboard) that Sekiguchi hand-carves with a scroll saw. It’s her…