Two abstract paintings on a white wall and pedestals with small sculpture in between them.

Alla Goniodsky | Between Dreams

ArtXchange Gallery presents Between Dreams, featuring new paintings and sculptures by Alla Goniodsky. In her new series, Goniodsky explores the liminal spaces of memory at the border of dream and wakefulness, hovering between the tangible and abstract. Goniodsky is a Russian-born stage designer, puppet-maker, painter and sculptor. After studying at the State Academy of Art…

Yuen and Goniodsky recommended by Seattle Met

Thanks Seattle Met Magazine for naming Chin Yuen and Alla Goniodsky in the 6 Art Shows to See in Seattle this August! Is the genre of abstract landscape painting able to escape its inherent oxymoron? Perhaps. If so, Alla Goniodsky belongs firmly within it. Likely you won’t be able to connect her paintings to specific…