Offering by Shinjo | Dance Performance

A Butoh dance performance that interacts with a Japanese Tea House installation by Chris Ezzell of e workshop. Butoh performed by Shinjo (Jyl Brewer) held at ArtXchange Gallery on October 21st 2011. Live and recorded music by Kenneth Lawrence and Larry Lawson. Video shot and edited by ArtXchange Gallery Designer Joya Marsh.

Marcio Diaz on Univision

Marcio Diaz interviewed by Jaime Mendez on Univision (KUNS) Diario de Inmigrantes: Marcio Diaz Este talentoso y amable artista nació y creció en Nicaragua, donde estudió pintura en el Instituto de Bellas Artes de Managua… “Me vine a Seattle buscando el amor y buscando también como obtener nuevos conocimientos, obtener nuevas visiones de otros artistas…

RED: by Humaira Abid Press

Read the Seattle Times review of RED by Michael Upchurch “The tour de force of craft on display in “Red,” Abid’s new show of sculptures and drawings, would be more than enough to warrant a trip to ArtXchange Gallery. But Abid, a Pakistani artist who divides her time between Seattle and Lahore, also packs a…

2010 Press

The Light! exhibit reviewed in Seattle’s International Examiner newspaper. Brooklyn-based artist Kenzan Tsutakawa-Chinn (of Studio 1thousand) is also inspired by the subtlety of light. Born and raised in Seattle, he draws inspiration from the natural low light of the Northwest. “Lighting in the Northwest and sunlight in the Northwest is a very challenging subject,” he…

Press and Discussion from the Sense Us 2010 exhibit!

The Sense Us 2010 exhibit generated an amazing amount of press, community interest, and discussion in our Seattle community. Thank you to everyone who supported this timely exhibition. Thank you to our partner La Sala, a collective formed to coalesce and mobilize the growing Latino-Hispanic arts community of the Seattle/Bellevue and surrounding districts – we…

Cora Edmonds in Seattle Woman Magazine

Read Art as Cultural Exchange by Shelley Seale in Seattle Woman Magazine. Seattle’s diverse, multicultural population provides the ideal setting for an international gallery such as ArtXchange. “Art is a reflection of culture and I believe as a city, the arts are still catching up to reflect our cultural diversity,” says Edmonds. “Traditional fine art…

American/Asian travels to Seattle City Hall

April 15 – June 14Opening & Artist Reception: April 22, 4-6pm Featuring MalPina Chan, Carina A. del Rosario, Jonathan Wakuda Fischer, Deborah Kapoor, Chiyo Sanada with Barbara McConkey, William Song, Joseph Songco, Arun Sharma, June Sekiguchi, Barry Wong, Dean Wong, Frederic Wong, and Mia Yoshihara-Bradshaw Heritage, identity, history, memory, coexistence, and freedom – these are…